

Track on Lean and Agile Software Development

at the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems Development

August 26 – 28, 2024

Sopot, Poland


The international conference on Lean and Agile Software Development (LASD) was founded in 2017 as a part of the FedCSIS multiconference. The conference grew each year until 2020 when it noticed a substantial decline in the number of submissions. To remedy this issue, in 2021 and 2022, LASD was held as a standalone, free of charge conference. In 2023, it joined ACM SAC as a track. In 2024, it was held twice: first at SAC and later at ISD.

The objective of LASD is to advance the state-of-the-art in lean and agile software development and disseminate best practices, along with success stories of successful transitions and adaptations to the evolving work environment.

LASD has already established itself as a prominent forum where practitioners, researchers, and academics meet to share and discuss their concerns, experience, and research findings. It is also renowned for its conscientious PC members, who diligently provide detailed reviews of journal-quality standards.


While agile and lean software development has already become mainstream in industry and a strong community has crystallized around the new way of thinking, making the transition to the new mindset is still challenging for many project managers. Besides, as the vast majority of software development projects are unique, agile methods often need to be tailored to accommodate specific situations. However, method tailoring is not trivial and poses serious challenges for practitioners. Indeed, one of the most distinctive features of Scrum is that its practices are not independent, but instead are very tightly coupled and synergistic.

Furthermore, Scrum, XP, and Kanban were originally designed for small, single teams and do not provide guidance on dealing with scaling issues, while the last decade has seen the spread of agile into large-scale and distributed projects. To help companies in large-scale transformations, several agile scaling frameworks have been proposed. These off-the-shelf solutions incorporate predefined workflow patterns to deal with issues related to the large number of teams, inter-team coordination, and lack of up-front architecture. Nevertheless, numerous challenges while adopting off-the-shelf frameworks have been reported, including a mismatch between framework and organization, changes in management structure, changes in company policies, and the impossibility of fully implementing the whole framework at once.

On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced co-located teams, who relied on face-to-face communication for work coordination, to transition into a remote work environment. Since agile methods lack guidelines for remote work, it falls upon the agile community to develop systematic solutions for remote agile teams.

Currently, we are witnessing a pervasive hype surrounding generative AI coding tools that leverage Large Language Models (LLMs). These tools enable developers to accelerate coding, testing, debugging, refactoring, and documentation processes. Additionally, fine-tuned LLMs hold the potential for enhancing non-programming tasks like user story refinement, estimation, and prioritization. These remarkable advancements not only evoke excitement but also open up new research directions to further explore and optimize the integration of generative AI tools within the realm of Agile Software Development.

Topics of Interest

AI-driven Agile Software Development
LLMs for improved efficiency
Tools for AI-assisted software development
Agile teams in the post-COVID era
Integrating DevOps, Agile, and CI/CD for end-to-end software development and deployment
Scaling agile methods
Distributed teams in Agile Software Development
Lean and agility at the enterprise level
Challenges of agile project management
Balancing agility and discipline
Collaborative games in Software Process Improvement
Challenges of migrating to lean and agile methods
Lean and agile coaching
Agile gamification
Measurement and metrics for agile projects, agile processes, and agile teams
Innovation and creativity in agile teams
Agile development for safety systems


We invite research papers in three categories: Full Papers (12 pages), Short Papers (8 pages), and Posters (4 pages). Authors have the option to add a single extra page at a supplementary cost (regardless of the submission category). Papers must be in English and present original, not already published research. Papers should be submitted in the PDF format using the ISD template.

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. To facilitate the double-blind reviewing, authors are kindly requested to provide the paper WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors, including the authors' personal details, the acknowledgments section of the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors' identity.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission
    May 1, 2024
  • Reviews due date
    June 3, 2024
  • Author notification
    June 12, 2024
  • Camera-ready copies of conditionally accepted papers/posters
    June 26, 2024
  • Author registration due date
    June 30, 2024


Mon., August 26thSession I (Room C-21); chaired by Tomas Gustavsson
13:40 - 14:00Unlocking Feedback in Remote Retrospectives: Games, Anonymity, and Continuous Reflection in Action (Yen Ying Ng, Bartosz Leśniewski, Krzysztof Marek, Michael Neumann and Jacek Trzesicki)
14:00 - 14:20On the Business Analyst's Responsibilities in an Agile Software Project - a Multi-Method Study (Mateusz Kwiatkowski and Aleksander Jarzebowicz)
14:20 - 14:40Waste and Its Elimination in Software Development Projects in Europe (Piotr Sycz and Elzbieta Wojnicka-Sycz)
14:40 - 15:00Impact of Work from Home on Agile Software Project Execution – the Empirical Study (Jakub Chabik)
Mon., August 26thPoster Exhibit (Hallway - 0 floor)
11:00 - 11:40
15:00 - 15:40
Social Sustainability and Large-Scale Agile Software Development (Muhammad Ovais Ahmad and Tomas Gustavsson)
Leveraging Generative AI Tools for UX Design in Lean and Agile Projects (Marcin Sikorski)
Tus., August 27thSession II (Room C-21); chaired by Emilio Insfran
11:40 - 12:00Development of a Measurement Instrument for Process Debt Detection in Agile Software Development Organizations (Tomas Gustavsson, Muhammad Ovais Ahmad and Hina Saeeda)
12:00 - 12:20Assessment of the relevance of best practices in the development of medical R&D projects based on machine learning (Jan Cychnerski and Tomasz Dziubich)
12:20 - 12:40Process Management as a Foundation for Integrating Agility and Discipline in Information Systems Development – A Study of Practices (Jerzy Auksztol)

Track Chairs

  • Przybyłek, Adam
    Poland, Gdańsk University of Technology,

  • Rodrigues da Silva, Alberto
    Portugal, University of Lisbon,

Program Commitee

  • Aguiar, Ademar
    Portugal, University of Porto

  • Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais
    Sweden, Karlstad University

  • Almeida, Fernando
    Portugal, University of Porto

  • Aziz Butt, Shariq
    Pakistan, superior university

  • Bagnato, Alessandra
    France, Softeam

  • Barata, João
    Portugal, University of Coimbra

  • Behutiye, Woubshet
    Finland, University of Oulu

  • Buchalcevova, Alena
    Czech Republic, University of Economics

  • Buchmann, Robert Andrei
    Romania, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca

  • Da Silva, Tiago Silva
    Brazil, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

  • Derezinska, Anna
    Poland, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology

  • Dutta, Arpita
    Singapore, National University of Singapore

  • Francillette, Yannick
    Canada, UQAC

  • García-Mireles, Gabriel
    Mexico, Universidad de Sonora

  • Giaro, Krzysztof
    Poland, Gdansk University of Technology

  • Gorschek, Tony
    Sweden, Blekinge Institute of Technology

  • Gregory, Peggy
    United Kingdom, University of Glasgow

  • Guerra, Eduardo
    Brazil, Free University of Bolzen-Bolzano

  • Hanslo, Ridewaan
    South Africa, University of Pretoria

  • Hawryszkiewycz, Igor
    Australia, University of Technology, Sydney

  • Heng, Samedi
    Belgium, UCLouvain

  • Huzar, Zbigniew
    Poland, Wroclaw University of Technology

  • Janes, Andrea
    Italy, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

  • Jarzebowicz, Aleksander
    Poland, Gdansk University of Technology

  • Johansson, Björn
    Sweden, Linköping University

  • Kapitsaki, Georgia
    Cyprus, University of Cyprus

  • Karagiannis, Dimitris
    Austria, University of Vienna

  • Karpus, Aleksandra
    Poland, Gdansk University of Technology

  • Katic, Marija
    United Kingdom, University of London

  • Konorski, Jerzy
    Poland, Gdansk University of Technology

  • Kopczyńska, Sylwia
    Poland, Poznan University of Technology

  • Kosiuczenko, Piotr
    Poland, Military University of Technology

  • Kropp, Martin
    Switzerland, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

  • Lassenius, Casper
    Finland, Aalto University

  • Mahnič, Viljan
    Slovenia, University of Ljubljana

  • Mangalaraj, George
    United States, Western Illinois University

  • Marcinkowski, Bartosz
    Poland, University of Gdansk

  • Matthies, Christoph
    Germany, University of Potsdam

  • Maślankowski, Jacek
    Poland, University of Gdańsk

  • Miler, Jakub
    Poland, Gdansk University of Technology

  • Mira da Silva, Miguel
    Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico

  • Mishra, Alok
    Norway, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Misra, Sanjay
    Norway, Institute For Energy Technology

  • Mohapatra, Durga Prasad
    India, NIT, Rourkela

  • Morales Trujillo, Miguel Ehécatl
    New Zealand, University of Canterbury

  • Muhammad, Waseem
    Finland, University of Jyväskylä

  • Muszyńska, Karolina
    Poland, University of Szczecin

  • Nawrocki, Jerzy
    Poland, Poznan University of Technology

  • Neumann, Michael
    Germany, Hochschule Hannover

  • Ng, Yen Ying
    Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus University

  • Obwegeser, Nikolaus
    Switzerland, Bern University of Applied Sciences

  • Ochodek, Mirosław
    Poland, Poznan University of Technology

  • Ozkan, Necmettin
    Turkey, Gebze Technical University

  • Pereira, Rui Humberto
    Portugal, ISCAP/IPP

  • Pohl, Matthias
    Germany, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

  • Poniszewska-Maranda, Aneta
    Poland, Lodz University of Technology

  • Poth, Alexander
    Germany, Volkswagen AG

  • Przybylek, Michal
    Poland, Warsaw University

  • Ramsin, Raman
    Iran, Sharif University of Technology

  • Riel, Andreas
    France, EMIRAcle c/o Grenoble Institute of Technology

  • Ristic, Sonja
    Serbia, University of Novi Sad

  • Rossi, Bruno
    Czech Republic, Masaryk University

  • Rybola, Zdenek
    Czech Republic, Czech Technical University

  • Salin, Hannes
    Sweden, Swedish Transport Administration

  • Schön, Eva-Maria
    Germany, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer

  • Senapathi, Mali
    New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology

  • Sikorski, Marcin
    Poland, Gdansk University of Technology

  • Smialek, Michal
    Poland, Warsaw University of Technology

  • Souza, Érica
    Brazil, UTFPR

  • Spichkova, Maria
    Australia, RMIT University

  • Strode, Diane
    New Zealand, Whitireia Polytechnic

  • Stålhane, Tor
    Norway, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Swacha, Jakub
    Poland, University of Szczecin

  • Sánchez-Gordón, Mary
    Norway, Østfold University College

  • Taweel, Adel
    United Kingdom, King’s College London/Birzeit University

  • Theobald, Sven
    Germany, Fraunhofer IESE

  • Tsilionis, Konstantinos
    Netherlands, Eindhoven University of Technology

  • Tuncel, Doruk
    Germany, Siemens AG

  • Utz, Wilfrid
    Germany, OMILAB gGmbH

  • Vara, Juan Manuel
    Spain, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

  • Vranić, Valentino
    Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

  • Wautelet, Yves
    Belgium, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  • Winter, Dominique
    Germany, HS Emden/Leer

  • Zhang, Zheying
    Finland, Tampere University


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Tallinn 2023
Virtual Event 2022
Virtual Event 2021
Virtual Event 2020
Leipzig 2019
Poznan 2018
Prague 2017